Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Recalls on Products Made in China

During the past months, many of us became aware of the increased list of problematic Chinese products. Before the poisoned pet food, I did not even realize the high volume of imports from China. If I set aside the questions why would Chinese want to poison American pets and whether it was a terrorist conspiracy or just a really slacked off job on Chinese part, the main point is: Why would USA buy food from China? It is well known that American society throws away more food portions than the average Chinese citizen can afford to eat. Why would the government allow food and medicine imports from country whose health record is infamous for the origin of annual flu, bird flu, SARS, and virtually every new potentially problematic disease? Further, China is the world leader in generating pollution and destroying the eco system with poisoning drinking water sources. The following examples illustrate how China continues to demonstrate their lack of health regulations and poor quality control:

1. Pet food containing rat poison caused some animals to die of liver failure.

2. Diethylene glycol (DEG) contaminated dental products can cause damage to kidneys, liver and the nervous system. The list of contaminated tooth pastes can be found on the FDA web site:

3. Chinese made tires sold between 2002- 2006 are missing a required safety feature that prevents them from separating, increasing the likelihood of road accidents.

4. Children’s toys, costume jewelry, children’s gardening tools and other similar products are covered in led paint, which can cause reduced IQ, kidney failure, damage to reproductive organs, and basically affects every organ in the body. In the US, it was banned in the late 70’s.

5. Some very recent products recalled: fake Halloween teeth with excessive amounts of lead paint, toy figures, and children’s beads.

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